
About Me

Hi there! My name is Matt and I’m passionate about making music and developing software. Learning to program has given me a unique opportunity to pursue my interests and communicate technical ideas with others. My journey in tech started as a teenager, when I was playing around with HTML on Black Planet, Angelfire, and Myspace; adding music and images to my profiles. I would later get stuck on learning CSS and PHP with little success. My hobby shifted to music and songwriting which has contributed to my creative skills.

After a decade-long break, I rediscovered my love for technology and started learning to code through free resources like YouTube and CodeAcademy. I then moved on to Sololearn, where I found it easy to learn the basics of Python. After completing the Python course, I revisited HTML and CSS (now HTML5 and CSS3) through dedicated courses on each topic and was surprised at how much of my early knowledge had stuck with me but also in how much changed over the years.

Since 2015, I’ve been constantly learning about technology, programming languages, platforms, and web-based tools. I have a curious and creative mindset, and love the challenge of building and fixing things. In addition to tech, I also have a passion for music and writing, which now enhances my problem-solving skills and resourcefulness.

One of the highlights of my tech journey was attending the LaunchCode “LC101 - JavaScript & Java Web Development Course” (now called “Part-Time Web Dev”). The course was challenging but incredibly rewarding, as I worked with other students and built real projects, including front-end pages that interacted with back-end code and databases. I was thrilled to have completed the course and even landed an opportunity just before graduation.

I have continued learning both on my own and through numerous opportunities at work, and have discovered that I thrive in structured learning environments. I find it easier to focus when working alone, but also love the energy and ideas that come from working with others.

Currently, I am enrolled in both Google’s IT Support and Meta’s Front-End Developer courses and am enjoying the self-paced nature of the programs. My experiences, including my early tech background, coding bootcamp, and work-related learning and growth, have given me a solid foundation to build upon, and these courses will add even more tools to my existing skill set.

Stay tuned for updates, as I plan to use my new skills to improve this bio page. More to come soon!
